Pride 2020 Charity Tee

This year for pride, I wanted to raise money for a cause extremely relevant to the state of America today. I've chosen to donate all of the proceeds for this shirt to The LGBTQ Freedom Fund.
The LGBTQ Freedom Fund posts bail "to secure the safety and liberty of low-income individuals in U.S. jails and immigration facilities, with focus on LGBTQ people." 1 in 2 transgender prisoners are sexually abused. Many in U.S. jails cannot afford to post bail leaving them at risk of violence, losing employment, housing, and child custody. Many are homeless and without resources.
LGBTQ people are three hundred percent more likely to be jailed than heterosexual individuals and with stark racial disparities, issues of LGBTQ criminalization are particularly acute for LGBTQ people of color. Black Americans are five times more likely than others to be incarcerated.
Please go to for more information and if you'd like to donate directly.
Thank You!